Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2nd Influence- His Views

Alexander Hamilton’s views were influential in the way that, people saw what his views were and they had formed an opinion. Alexander argued for a strong National Government that had almost unlimited power over the states. His views however, were in the minority and were particularly unpopular in New York. Hamilton had defende the colonist’s cause when they were protesting the actions of the British Government which brought on the War of Independence and Hamilton upheld recent decisions of the Continental Congress. Alexander Hamilton was the opposite of a populist. He thought that the government, in his opinion, should not be ran by amateurs but instead be ran by a trained and educated elite. In many of Hamilton’s views he was strongly opposed by Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), the author of the Declaration of Independence and future president, who had believed that the American Republic rested firmly on an agrarian democracy. One important duty of the federal government, Alexander argued, was to promote a strong capitalist economy with a strong currency and public investment in infastructure.Hamilton had encouraged new industry in the South and the North by protecting infant U.S. industries until those industries were able to compete on an equal basis with imports.

"Alexander, Hamilton." Biography Resource Center. Gale. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.


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