Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Alexander Hamilton- Biography

Alexander Hamilton is the Greatest American for multiple reasons. Born on the eleventh of January in 1755 in Charlestown, British West Indies was Alexander Hamilton. Son of James Hamilton and Rachel (Fawcett) Lavien. Alexander would then grow up to be quite an accomplished Politician. Alexander Hamilton was an illegitimate child meaning that he was born without his parents being married. He had a difficult upbringing in the West Indies. His father was an aristocratic. Although said to be a great politician Alexander’s father was an aristocratic and unsuccessful Scottish trader. He abandoned the family when Alexander was 10 years of age. When Alexander was 11 years old he started to work in the West Indies office in a New York mercantile. When his mother died in 1768, Alexander was taken under the wing of her relatives. His relatives and other sponsors had recognized Alexander’s exceptional intelligence and energy and they arranged for him to go to preparatory School in New Jersey; Alexander was then enrolled at King’s College (which is now Columbia University) in 1773. Following the war, Alexander Hamilton married Elizabeth Schuyler, who was a member of one of New York’s wealthiest and most distinguished families. Alexander settled down so he would be able to practice law in New York City. He soon though, got caught up in National Politics. Alexander Hamilton’s last years were being spent in the midst of Political turmoil. Through some various political intrigues Alexander managed to show dissension in his very own Federalist Party and to incur the enmity of several important political leaders that were both Federalist and Republican parties. Along with Jefferson, these included John Adams (1735-1826), a Federalist and the second President of the United States, and Aaron Burr (1756-1836), a Republican and was Jefferson’s Vice President. In 1804 Hamilton had opposed Burr’s unsuccessful bid to be governor of New York, on the grounds of some insulting remarks that Hamilton had allegedly made about him. Aaron Burr challenged his old rival to a duel that followed the election. Alexander Hamilton died in the duel at Weehawken, New Jersey, on July 11, 1804.

"Hamilton, Alexander (1755-1804)." Student Resource Center- Gold. Gale, 1999. Web. 24 Feb. 2010.

"Alexander, Hamilton." Biography Resource Center. Gale. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.


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